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Time to cop to the truth.

Sure I like the environment as much as the next girl, and yes, I would do anything, no matter how hard, if it were better for my little man, but thats not the only reason I chose to cloth diaper. Its time to cop to it-I am CHEAP and LAZY. 

The cheap part is pretty obvious. I mean cloth diapering is WAY more economical than having to purchase disposables; that savings just gets exaggerated exponentially if you have more than one kid, by the way.  We used disposables on my little guy for the first three months, so this point is glaringly obvious to me. I mean, have you priced these things lately!  It seriously blows my mind that people have no problem spending a minimum of $25 a week on something that they KNOW they are throwing away…enough of that rant though.

The not so obvious truth about cloth diapering is that it caters to my lazy and minimalist tendencies.  I know what you are thinking…yes, I said cloth diapering is for the lazy. See, to me, working all day, then taking little man to the store, and carting his chunky butt around while spending way to much on diapers, then driving home, and unloading them both (which takes two trips, just so you know) is way more work then pitching the cloth dipes into the washer and letting the machine do all the dirty work (yes, horrible pun intended…i just couldn't help it).  And lets not forget to take into consideration the fact that I have the short term memory of a gold fish.  On more than one occasion, I have let myself run completely out of something…then forgotten about it…diapers included. Lets just say, diapers are NOT the sort of thing you want to wake up and realize you don't have any of before you head off to work.  Now, when my pail is full, I wash them. I either wash them or come up with creative places to stash the dirties. It makes me remember, and I have enough dipes in the stash that I never run out before the pail is full. It can't get any easier than that! 

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