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Rocky Love Affair

So the last few months have brought so many changes at our household. One of the most complex decisions that we have made has to do with starting solid foods...what age to start, what foods to start, how much to start with, to make or to buy...and then...the diaper changes.

For starters, I had every intention of waiting until Little Man was six months old before starting solids. However, around month four, it became glaringly obvious that he was in need of more substantial food then he was getting from breast milk alone. We consulted the doctor, and she agreed that even though he was at the beginning of the age range that they recommended, we should start solid foods. I felt sort of inadequate, but he was not gaining at the same rate he had been and he was up more and more, hungry, throughout the day. I went to the store and got some Earths Best Organic Brown Rice Cereal and at four months old, our journey started!

By the time LM was six months old, we had added fruits and vegetables into his diet. Life was hectic, at best, most days and I found myself needing to purchase his baby food. This isn't a jab at people who do, but because of how passionate my husband and I are about our food, I always thought that we would make his food. I did the research, and tried to buy the best, most flavorful and interesting foods that I could. (We were adamant about feeding him organic foods, just because we have the luxury of being that choosy. If budgeting is an issue, stick to the dirty dozen rule; I am no expert, but it seems that the same rules would apply to pesticide residues regardless of whether they are pureed or not! If you are interested, I'll add some lists below.) 

As he, and I, became more acclimated to the changes in his diet, it became more possible for me to make some of his foods. I have gotten a bit clever, if I do say so myself, about finding time in my day to make that a priority. I have also learned to cut myself some slack and keep several pouches of Plum Organics baby food around for the times that I just can't get food on the plate for him. I have learned to get over the "guilt" of feeling inadequate for providing food for him. If he was going to learn to enjoy food, it was more important, in my opinion, to find good foods that nourish his body and his love of food. Throwing something together last minute and driving myself crazy in the process wasn't going to teach him that, any more than opening a pouch; all I was doing was focusing on getting it done and not on spending time enjoying him and teaching him to enjoy his food. Some days, I'd get several veggies and fruits roasted and pureed, others I just made some extra of whatever we are having for dinner and mix it with something from a jar, and if it had been a "one of those days," you all know what I am talking about, he'd just get pre-made food. 

LM is now 8 months old, and we have just started to add proteins to his diet. He has some issues with skin irritation and eczema, so we are holding off a bit on diary, but other than that (and nuts and honey of course) he has almost full reign of the kitchen. I am still finding my groove and am learning everyday to allow myself the freedom that comes with doing what I can and not feeling guilty about it.

As mentioned in a previous entry, if you cloth diaper, do yourself a favor and get some diaper liners. Some people prefer the diaper sprayer, but that just isn't for me. The convenience of the the liners are unbeatable. You just pitch the liner into the toilet and you are done handling poop! Also, they are just great to have on hand if you need to use any sort of diaper ointment; there are no worries about what it might do the CD.
I'd love to hear what you guys are feeding your little ones! LM's first food was pureed sweet potatoes, and to this day its one of his favorites. Some other things that he REALLY seems to love are:

Roasted* Carrots, Apples, and Parsnips.

Strawberries and Roasted* Apples. 

Roasted* Pumpkin and Bananas 

Roasted* Peaches and Brown Rice Puree with Cinnamon

*I have found that roasting a lot of the fruits and veggies makes them more flavorful and sweeter. If I already have the oven on, I just throw them on an ungreased cookie sheet and let them get soft. 

1 comment:

  1. Lots of people talk about the "dirty dozen" and a quick Google search will get you to the most recent compilation. Basically, its a list of the 12 foods that have the highest level of pesticide residue. Not all pesticides wash off under tap water, so purchasing these items as organic rather than conventional makes a huge impact in your pesticide exposure.

    I think that if you are feeding a baby, these foods are the ones that you should consider buying organically if you can...whether you are making food out of these items yourself, or whether you are purchasing pre-made baby food.

    2010 "Dirty Dozen"

    1. Celery
    2. Peaches
    3. Strawberries
    4. Apples
    5. Blueberries
    6. Nectarines
    7. Bell Peppers
    8. Spinach
    9. Kale
    10. Cherries
    11. Potatoes
    12. Grapes
